Monday, September 14, 2009

Update on Andrew!

Well....we are back to the bili lights for the time being. We went to visit Dr. Hardwick today, and his bili was up from 10.9 yesterday to 14 today. Home health came out and set up the bili bed, and he is back to looking like a little glow-worm! The nurse is coming out tomorrow and collecting another bili, and weighing that is convenient. It's not fun riding around in a car when your 4 days post-pardum...not too comfy for sure. Otherwise, we are doing great and Trevor is absolutely wonderful. He loves baby "Andry" so much! I promise, promise more pics tomorrow, but for now I have to get some rest. I have SOOO many great pics to post! It's gonna take me forever!

And yes, my nurse that was with me during my delivery did work at Children's back before I started. And she actually got me started with she made both family videos. We had alot in common to talk about, and she was absolutely fabulous! She was so calm when Andrew gave us our little scare at can tell that there's some ER nurse in there! You can't panic, or else the family will panic!

1 comment:

Jenn said...

He's the most gorgeous glow worm I have ever seen!
I can't wait to see more pictures and I hope you are feeling better!