Thursday, September 17, 2009

Another Comparison...

Mi Mi with Baby Trevor - February 2007
Trevor with Baby Andrew - September 2009

I keep saying that Andrew doesn't look like Trevor but in these pictures they look like the same baby. I think Andrew is a chunkier version of Trevor. But boy, do they act different. Andrew is the best baby. He doesn't make a sound except when he's wet or dirty...and he can let out a scream like you wouldn't believe when it's time to eat! I used to say that Trevor cried just to hear himself cry! I just hope Andrew continues to be this laid back! And man....we thought Andrew was orange....Trevor didn't even have to be under the bili lights and he looks more orange than Andrew!

1 comment:

Jamie said...

Congrats!! They do look exactly alike in these pictures! I'm glad everything is going well. You give me new hope on number 2. Looks like we both had the challenging child first :)