Wednesday, November 12, 2008

We're Still Here!

Sorry, no pictures to post. My little buddy has been sick and grumpy all week. He hasn't been in the mood to take pictures. He's had a nasty cough and a fever since Friday (that makes 6 days now), with no signs of getting any better. And not to mention, the horrible "snots". I guess we're gonna have to break down and go to the doctor tomorrow. I hate taking him to the doctor for things like this, but I've had enough. We've been taking Motrin, benedryl, and cough medicine (yes, I know cough meds for a 21 month old isn't a good idea) for almost a week now. I felt really bad tonight when we were at my parent's house and he was having one of his coughing fits, and couldn't catch his breath. My dad asked me why I haven't taken him to the doctor yet, and my reply was "they're not gonna do anything for it". My dad proceeded to inform me that I'm not a doctor, and that Trevor's had a fever for almost a week for a reason. Ummm....okay, I'm the worst mother ever. It's just that I see this every day at work, and typically we don't do anything for it. "It's viral....let it run its course....treat the symptoms...yada, yada...". So I'm gonna call Dr. Hardwick's office first thing in the morning and see if we can't figure out why Mr. Trevor isn't getting any better. Hopefully, "it's just a virus"!


Anonymous said...

Dont you think is about time you post some new stories about your child !!! What kind of MOM are you ???

Nicole said...

Poor baby! Hope he feels better soon!

Kim said...

Hey you didnt think you would see me on here! Wanted to say hello:) hope little man gets to feeling better...

Kim said...

Poor Trevor...hopefully Dr. Hardwick can do something for him. I took Cole in when he had a cold and you are pretty much just has to run its course most of the time.

How are his ears doing? Does he still have his tubes?