I just realized that alot of my prior posts have been about my pregnancy, weddings, and other things....but I'm gonna let this one be for my buddy Trevor. I was just sitting here thinking about how fast he is growing up. He is a whopping 28 months old!! I can't believe it! And, I have to brag for a minute....my child sat through his first wedding ceremony, with his mommy in it, mind you, without making a single peep. He was an angel...he just kept grinning at me!! Joe said when the ceremony was over, and I was walking down the isle with the groom's brother, he asked Trevor, "who is that man with mommy?", and he said Trevor just stuck that bottom lip out! He was a major show-off at the reception, but overall, he was great and he really surprised me!!
I've also been meaning to post all of the funny things he's been doing here lately, or saying rather. We're still not having luck with potty training, but I'm convinced that will come...I'm not stressing about it. But his little personality is hilarious. Here's a conversation from a couple weeks ago in the drive thru at Wendy's"
Trevor: "Mommy....I wuuuuuuub chicken!"
Me: "Well, I wuuuuuuuub you"
Trevor: "I wub you too, mommy!" (looking at me like duuhh?)
Here's one of my favorites from tonight...it's a little gross, but part of having a little boy, I suppose....so I'm on the toilet, he loves to come in the restroom with me.
Trevor: "Whatcha doin' Mommy?"
Me: "I'm tee teeing in the potty like a big girl, like you should be doing"
Trevor: "You stink doo doo balls, Mommy?"
Me: "No baby, I told you I am tee teeing in the potty."
Trevor: "Shoooo weee mommy, you stink doo doo balls! I wan see..."
Me: getting up now....and letting him see, so he's convinced there's no
doo doo balls in the potty...."See baby, just tee tee"
Trevor: "Ohhhhh Kaaaay Mommy! I puuush it (flush...he can't say his f's
too good yet)
He never ceases to amaze me. Like I said, the joys of having a curious little boy living with you. I love this kiddo more than words could ever explain! I couldn't imagine life without him and his cute little self!