Sunday, November 25, 2007
My Boys...

Ta Daaaa!
Thanksgiving Dinner at Aunt Jackie's

Ready for the Holidays!!

Trevor's New Toy

Can't Get Enough Mickey Mouse
Friday, November 23, 2007
I Caught Him!

Mommy's Little Helper...
Our New Tree
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
See My Toofies?
Little Monster in the Tub!
Thursday, November 15, 2007
9 Month Check-Up
We went this morning for Trevor's 9 month check-up. Fat boy is now weighing in at 22lbs 2oz (75th percentile), and is 29 1/4 inches tall (85th percentile). He is still coughing, but he doesn't have a fever anymore. Dr. Hardwick was impressed with our big man! This was the first time that Joe has seen Trevor get his shots, and I thought that he was gonna cry with him!! Trevor did not do as well this time with the shots....he cried alot longer and wasn't as easy to console afterwards. He is doing fine now...crawling all over the place. I guess those legs don't hurt too bad. I think those shots hurt his feelings more than anything!!
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Update on Mommy...
Well, let me first say that Trevor was successful with getting EVERYONE in my family sick, even my parents. I've been feeling bad since Sunday or Monday, with coughing and congestion. I didn't think anything of it until I coughed all night Monday night, and by Tuesday, I couldn't walk to the bathroom without feeling "out of breath". So I decided to take myself to the doctor today...I hate going to the doctor, I haven't been in 3 years. (other than to the OB a million times last year). When she listened to my chest, she said that it was very "tight" and that I wasn't "moving much air". I tell my patients this all of the time, but I've never had it told to me. So, for all the times I wondered what it was like for my patients to get breathing treatments, I found out today. Thank God it wasn't an hour-long neb, or I would've pulled my hair out!! I did make my chest feel better though. She never gave me a "diagnosis", but I'm assuming bronchitis, since I'm coughing my lungs up, and I feel like a 90 year old woman when I try to do something!! I've got an antibiotic, a steroid, and an inhaler to take everyday for the next five days or so. Oh well, this too shall pass!!
Much Better....
A Little Better...
Sunday, November 11, 2007
Update on My Buddy....
Sorry, no pictures. We've had one heck of a weekend. Last night, we had another sleepless night. I felt so bad for him, because he just couldn't get comfortable with all of the gunk in his nose and throat. He would only sleep about 10-15 minutes at a time, and then wake up screaming, and barking like a seal. If I didn't know any better, I would've taken him to the ER!! So, I did the next best thing and called my mother. By that time, I was bawling with him. I felt so bad, because there was nothing I could do to make him understand. That is the most helpless feeling in the world. So, being the wonderful grandmother that she is, my mother came over in the middle of the night to help out. When she got to my house, Trevor and I were out on the front porch, both crying our eyes out!!! (the cold air helps the croup, for those of you who are wondering what in the world we were doing outside) He is a little better today, I just pray that tonight is better!!
Saturday, November 10, 2007
Guess Who is Sick....

Jett's New Bed

Sunday, November 04, 2007
Is Mommy Ever Coming Home From Work?

My sweet angel has been at my parent's house all weekend. Joe was off all day Saturday, but ended up being over there most of the day. Then Trevor spent the night with Mi Mi and Paw Paw last night because Joe and I had to work, so he was over there again today. Man, good thing grandparents don't get sick of their grandkids! My mother has taken so many pictures this weekend, there was no way for me to post them all, but I tried my best. I absolutely love this picture.
Chasin' Elvis
Can Someone Tell Me What's So Interesting About Paw Paw's Paper?!?
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