Sunday, January 10, 2010

4 Months Old...

Hi, Mommy!
It wasn't me...I swear!

My Heart

Okay, so this little man is growing up entirely too quickly for my comfort. I feel like he should still be a few weeks old. He is 4 months old today! Wow, where has the time gone? He is also sick, as you might have guessed from looking at the pictures. He's just had a nasty little cough and the snots for the past couple of days. Believe it or not, he doesn't have an appetite at all...I know it doesn't appear that way.
He is now in 9 months clothing...yes, 9 months. I had to take back a ton of clothes that I gave him for Christmas and swap them for 9 month stuff, because the 6 month clothes cut him in half, and the pants came up to his ankles!! He's not just chubby, he's long. And he's not near as chunky in person as he seems in pictures. We all know that the camera adds pounds to ya!
He is rolling over occasionally, with the first time being Christmas Eve. I think he has to be in the mood, though, because he doesn't do it that often...I guess it takes to much energy to roll his big self over! He is also cooing and smiling all of the time! He is such a joy to be around. So far he is still an angel, other than not sleeping. God did not bless me with children that like to sleep...but he has, however, blessed me with so much more than I feel like I deserve! I am so very grateful to have happy, healthy boys!!

1 comment:

Jenn said...

So sweet!!!