I know it looks like I take the same picture over and over, but there's not much you can do with a 2 month old! He is starting to laugh and coo all of the time, and it melts my heart. He is such a little ham...I just can't catch him smiling on camera, because he starts staring at the light on my flash! Maybe one day soon I'll catch one of his big ole' grins!
Saturday, November 28, 2009
My Angel Baby
I know it looks like I take the same picture over and over, but there's not much you can do with a 2 month old! He is starting to laugh and coo all of the time, and it melts my heart. He is such a little ham...I just can't catch him smiling on camera, because he starts staring at the light on my flash! Maybe one day soon I'll catch one of his big ole' grins!
Somebody's Eatin' Cereal...
I've been giving fatty some cereal at night to...ahem....help him sleep longer. I did the same thing with Trevor at the same age, and it works like a charm. He goes down at 9:00, and he usually wakes up again by 3:00 am. Hey, that's 6 good hours, and I'll take it. I know some people are so by the books, but this momma is not. He might be a little chub a lub, but oh well, the formula is just not holding him over...and plus, he LOVES it!
Sweet Baby Boy
Yellow Dinosaur...
Friday, November 20, 2009

I ran across this picture at my parents house, and thought this little baby kind of looked like Mr. Andrew...except for the bow, of course! This is a picture of me at a month old, I think....something like that. I think he looks more like me than Trevor does, especially after looking at this. I think Andrew has my nose and eyes. Trevor looks more like his daddy, which Andrew probably will end up looking like him too. It's no fair that you carry them all of that time, and all you hear is how much they look like their daddy! Joe says I'm just trying to convince myself that one of them looks like me!
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Andrew and his Big Brother
My Trevor Man
I can't believe I have an almost 3 year old. He is getting more and more vocal about wanting a dinosaur party for his birthday. He wants a dinosaur cake. And he wants Santa to bring him a purple dinosaur for Christmas. I don't think he is referring to Barney. I don't know what he is talking about, but he is OBSESSED with some dinosaurs!
Sweet Little Man
Look at that Smirk....
One Good Lookin' Fella
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Poor Baby!!
My poor baby got 4 shots today! We went for his 2 month visit, and needless to say....he is a big, big boy. He weighed in at a whopping 14 lbs 11 oz, and is 23 3/4 inches tall. Dr. Hardwick just chuckled when he was showing me his "stats". He's in the 94th percentile for height, 96th percentile for head circ., and you guessed it...his weight is off the charts! I looked back at Trevor's measurements, and he only weighed 11lbs 11oz...which is not small. I guess Andrew is gonna be my giant!
He did so good with the shots though....he really didn't even cry, he just let out one big scream when the nurse gave him the second shot (you know, the "delayed" reaction), and by the time she gave the fourth....he was done screaming. She said he was a tough little man! Dr. Hardwick said he was perfectly healthy...and laughed when he said, "at this rate, he'll be walking the next time I see him!" This picture is of just a little while ago...I had just bathed him, and laid him down to make his bottles for the night. This is what I came back to...I just couldn't resist taking this picture. Poor angel...him had a rough day!
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
2 Months Old Today
Funny Faces...
This is my Trevor making "funny faces"...as he calls it. He is such a sweet boy, and he is so much company. He is getting so smart...he never ceases to amaze me. He can now count up to the teens....depending on what kind of mood he's in, and he knows most of his primary colors. I love it! His vocabulary is so big, I can't list all of the things he can say. He also has a very wild imagination. He told me the other night that he wanted to go to Turkey Town...wherever that is! Here's an example of a conversation that we had the other night:
Me: Ohhh I love you so much...my little pumkin is just growing up!!
Trevor: Mommy, I'm not a pumkin...I'm Trevor!
You gotta love 2 year olds!
My Chub-a-Lub
This little man is a little tub of love! He is so chunky and loves, loves, loves to eat. I've actually started giving him cereal at night (I know, I know....it makes them "fat")...but his formula is NOT holding him. He now eats 6 oz at a time, and sometimes he wants to eat again in an hour!! He definitely has a very healthy appetite, just like his momma!
Pictures from Erin's Baby Shower...
Andrew's 1st Trip to the Zoo!
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