Notice anything wrong with this picture?...besides the chocolate stains on Mr. man's mouth?....This is what happens when a 22 year old male with no experience in diaper changing changes your kiddo's diaper... aka "Jakes". I just had to take a picture, I was laughing so hard despite feeling like I had been hit by a Mack truck.
That's right...I spoke too soon in the last post. I swore I wouldn't go to the hospital until I was in labor, but I started feeling pretty weird last night before I left work. Besides the fact that I was light-headed, every time I would have a contraction, I would feel alot of pressure in my chest and it was hard to breath. I've felt like that before, but it's been happening too regularly for my comfort. I mean, I can deal with it and all....I like to think that I'm pretty tough and all, but it's not about me. I am carrying another life inside of me, and if something went wrong because of my stubborn-ness, I would never forgive myself....
So I had them page the on-call doctor (who wasn't Dr. Goolsby), just to discuss the I thought. He said that sometimes it's normal to feel that way, alot of people do....but he was concerned about the contractions when I told him how frequently they were occurring (not really something I was concerned about because,'s just something I've gotten used to). SO....since I was a few blocks away, he had me come into L&D and be monitored.
Baby Andrew looked fabulous, and was having a good time in there, so that was a relief. "Can I go now?" I wanted to say. The nurse gave me a shot of Terbutaline (medicine to stop contractions and uterine irritability) pretty much as soon as she strapped the monitors on me....yuck...I HATE terb...I had it with Trevor, and it is the most aweful medicine in the world. Great medicine, but mean side affects, literally. I become this mean, flushed women when it gets in my system. Not to mention, the shortness of breath was worse now, because my heart rate was about 200...just kidding, but higher than normal. They watched me for about an hour, and then another shot of Terb....ughhhh! Then some more monitoring. Oh yes....forgot to mention that they also checked me out downstairs....that checked out okay. NOT a big fan of getting "checked" but who really is? That is NOT the reason I called the doctor....didn't want my "hoo ha" looked at....just tell me my baby looks fabulous, and I'll be on my way now! But I know that's part of it....
I finally got home around 10 or so last night, I don't really recall the exact time, I just felt like my legs were noodles, and my heart was gonna beat out of my chest. I'm just gonna try to take it easy these next few days, but that's not really realistic with a 2 year old, now is it?
Of course I got a lecture from my dad about working 12 hr shifts and all with some cursing mixed in there....those of you who know my daddy know that he curses like a sailor, but doesn't really mean anything by it! I told him I wasn't cutting back on my hours yet....with a few choice words thrown in there as well. He proceeded to inform me that I wasn't too old to still get my "ass whooped by an old man". Then I just started dying laughing and couldn't argue with him anymore! I told him he had to catch me first...(which wouldn't be hard) He's so funny, but he worries to death about his baby girl.
I will try my best to stay updated with some pictures this week, since I've been such a bad slacker in the blogging world. I hope everyone has a fabulous weekend!
Andrew is stubborn all ready!
you crack me up!
you better stay off those feet for a few more weeks!! just let the house go, you have two nights in the hospital, and i am sure it will be spotless when you get home:)!!
just dont let uncle jake do the diaper changing:)! at least he changed it:)!!
I love reading your posts, I always laugh so hard!! It sounds like you are a busy woman! I am glad everything is ok!
Man ...been gone for 15 days and you are having contractions !!!! Hmm..cant you wait for me to come home ??? I'm glad it check out good.
I'm glad everything was ok! You crack me up I love reading your posts.
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