So I got to spend last Sunday night in L&D once again, but this time I was having contractions 2-4 minutes apart...SO I got more terbutaline (3 times this go around) and some IV fluids to stop these things. They are no joke. They waited until my doctor got there to d/c me, and I asked him WHY in the world my body does this. I did the same exact thing with Mr. Trevor at the same exact week in my pregnancy. I think after 31-32 weeks my body just says "okay, I'm done....get baby out now!" Poor baby Andrew is getting squeezed to death in there, but he looks great, and seems to be tolerating all of this pretty good. When my uterus is not squashing him, he's doing gymnastics in there...or karate...or whatever. He's beating the crap out of me!
So for the past few days I've pretty much been popping pills around the clock. I don't know how anyone takes terbutaline....I guess I'm sensitive to it, but it makes me feel like absolute CRAP. I am a nervous wreck on it, and I can't breathe or think right. And it's actually a drug that you give asthmatics or "COPDers", but it makes my heart beat so stinkin' fast, I have to breathe fast to keep up with it! I'm worn out! But....the most important thing is knowing that this is worth EVERY second for a healthy little angel. I don't care what it takes to keep this little man in a few more weeks, I'm gonna do it.
And yes, my father will be so proud....I cut my hours at work almost in half starting next work week. It's time. I'm tired, and I need to rest....I know when to say when.