Tuesday, May 22, 2007

First Bath in the Big Boy Tub

We're done with Trevor's little boy tub. He makes such a mess every time he takes a bath now with all of his splashing he's been doing lately. He was excited about being able to stretch out and splash in the big tub. You can really tell by the water in the bottom picture that he was busy!


Www.whughes.blogspot.com said...

i cannot believe how big he has gotten!! he's so cute and looks just like his uncle jake!

*MIRANDA* said...

I love how you've covered his wee wee with shaving cream! Thats hilarious!

Rachel said...

he looks like he's going to pop!!!! all the new pictures are adorable......tell baby trebor we said "hi" and give him some sugars from us!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

love to see how hiscock is growing