Don't let this sweet little innocent face fool you. This was taken last Friday.We went for an ENT visit today for our evaluation for tubes. Let's just say, I know there will be many more embarrassing moments, but this one takes the cake today. He was an angel in the waiting room, looking at the fish, and playing with the cars on table. The second we went into the room to wait on the doctor....he started this blood-curdling screaming. I'm talking about ringing your ears screaming. Not to mention throwing himself in the floor like a maniac. The whole time, I'm thinking, my child is only 18 months old....isn't this for 2 and 3 year olds? My Lord, I can't even begin to imagine what kind of tyrant he'll be at that age. And to make things even worse, he has a big bruise on his forehead, and a scraped up nose and top lip. Those poor nurses that had to listen to his screaming probably think I beat the crap out of my child!
Needless to say, by the time Dr. Wiatrak got in the room, we were both hysterical. He didn't even take the time to look in Trevor's ears. He started out by asking me all of these questions like how many ear infections he's had and how many antibiotics he's been on, and I finally said, "I really don't know I'm so crazy right now...how about too many, will that answer work?" Poor guy, he probably thought I was a psycho-path! He finally said, Okay, Dr. Hardwick sent you here because he thinks Trevor needs tubes, and I won't argue with that. He also said something like if a child has been on antibiotics more than 3 (I think that's the right number...remember, my child is screaming the whole time) times in a year for an ear infection, then they are candidates for tubes. I just laughed...that's all I could do. I told him that it took 3 antibiotics alone just to cure one of his last ear infections.
I mean, I work with sick kids on a regular basis, but let me tell you....you don't hear screaming like that come from just any child. Those are the type of patients you dread taking care of. Those are the type of patients that you beg one of your attending physicians to go and see, and get them the heck out of the ER.....QUICK! SHEESH....I was SO embarrassed! And I just think about all of the times when I said..."my child will NEVER act like that".....well, he proved me wrong today. And had we not been in public, he would've gotten the spanking of his life!
Sorry I'm rambling, but I needed to vent. Anyways, we are scheduled for tubes on August 19th.